On February 24th I made my first visit to the woman's center at Alta View Hospital. Since then I have been back 5 times. Every time it is so they can stop the contractions. Last week I had to see my Dr. on Monday, because of contractions, and then Thursday night went to Labor & Delivery to get 2 shots to stop the contractions. Then on Saturday Abby decided it would be fun to not move for a few hours. I knew nothing was wrong, because Abby is just like her mother and a little stinker, but at the same time if I did not go in how horrible would I be.
When I went in on Saturday I finally broke down and just started crying. Labor & Delivery has become a place where I go for them to stop the Labor no such thing as Delivery. One would think that after so many visits for the exact same thing that they would do something more than just hook me up to a machine and listen to her heart beats and monitor the contractions. Wouldn't they want to make sure that everything is where it is supposed to be? Shouldn't a dr be more concerned or at least more willing to calm the patient down by double checking with another ultrasound? Or is this another one of those your insurance will not cover it things? The nurse actually told me on Saturday that my insurance will not cover an induced delivery before my due date because it is my first delivery. I told her that I work for my insurance company, it will be covered. It's not like I was asking them to take her right then and there I just really wish that the someone would notice that I am going in at least once a week and this can not be good to have contractions a minute apart to be shot up with something and that it has been going on for over a month.
Man I love Utah!!! The state where they will pay for a mother and the baby to be covered the whole pregnancy and get all of the attention and help they need. But a woman who works and pays for her own insurance and has a deductible and out of pocket maximum is ushered in and out as fast as they can and told to suck it up. Maybe they should not make it so easy for these young families to have a baby on the tax payers dime so the dr's can spend time with patients that are paying their own bills. Or maybe if a dr would stop charging $200 to read an ultrasound, a whole whopping 5 minutes of work, people would be able to pay their own bills without having to get tax payers money to have a baby. Maybe if health care was more about health and care and not so much about how much money can I get for this care people in this country would not be so broke and the hospitals would not have so many claims written off because of bad dept and people would not go into medical bankruptcy. There are so many families that are canceling insurance just because they can not afford the premium and are praying that nothing bad happens to the family because they will not qualify for financial assistance. This whole world of medicine is so stupid and over rated. Yet I work for the company.